Doggy daycare at Central Pet provides convenience and peace of mind for pet parents, socialization, and improved quality of life for pets themselves. Dogs who attend doggy daycare have less anxiety, have fewer destructive tendencies, and are less prone to chew furniture or soil your floor.
If you're a pet owner in the Tucson area, who would like to bring your dog to Central Pet's Doggy Daycare, there are some things you should know about how our services work and what you can expect throughout the day. Here's what you can expect.
Your dog won't be able to come to Central Pet until you've done some prep work. Get started here to ensure your dog meets our requirements!
Not every dog is a good fit for daycare. We require dogs in our program to be neutered before they are 6 months old - find out why in our frequently asked questions about dog daycare. Your dog also needs to undergo (and pass) a temperament test. This ensures that if your dog participates in our doggy daycare program, they will be safe to be around other dogs. This also ensures that our doggy daycare is a safe space for all pets who participate!
Daycare passes are pre-paid discounted daycare passes. You can use our daycare passes at any time during the month when the passes were purchased. When you use daycare passes, you'll be able to save money on your pet's daycare expenses. You'll also have the added convenience of skipping the checkout counter when you pick up your dog!
Passes range from 5 days in the month to Unlimited, so you can choose the number of days in the month that best meet your needs. Our Unlimited passes are great to grab any time of the month because they are valid for 30 days from the purchase date instead of ending monthly.
Click the button below for more information on our passes and pricing.
The days at Central Pet Doggy Daycare have an ebb and flow that makes every day interesting, varied, and fun for your pet. Here's what you and your pet can expect from a typical day.
Dogs in our daycare are ushered through a variety of activities that keep them entertained, stimulated, and happy. Throughout the day, they spend time outdoors, indoors, playing games with dogs, playing games with staff, running, frolicking, engaging in holiday parties, birthday parties, and so much more. Members of our staff know how to engage in activities dogs love, like scent games and ball time.
Some of our activities are seasonal. When the weather warms up in summer, we have fun with sprinklers, kiddie pools, and hoses. Water helps our guests have fun while also keeping them safe from the hot summer weather. It's a blast!
While some pets can go all day long without taking a break, others need some downtime after having fun with friends. Members of our staff are trained to recognize when your pet needs some time to themselves. We have a variety of break and nap areas where your pet can go for some R&R. When nap time is over, your pet can return to time with the pack, or it may be time to go home.
We know it's hard to be without your pet throughout the day. Some pet parents worry about their pet's happiness, while others just want to see their pet's happy face again! That's why we provide LIVE webcams to check in on your pooch. Our webcams can be found on our website - check it out any time you like!
Are you looking for a reliable pet sitter? We can help with doggy daycare.
Dogs who participate in doggy daycare are more apt to follow commands, more social, and less fearful. They're also more fit due to the extra activity they engage in throughout the day. Doggy daycare simulates some of the benefits of roaming in a pack, including the mental and physical benefits that come from pack life.
Our guests at Central Pet clearly enjoy the time they spend with their pack-mates, which includes playing games and exercising all day long. Bring your pet in for the fun! Contact Central Pet to find out more about our doggy daycare services available in Tucson, Arizona, and get your dog started today!